Spread Spoiled Guys / JAPAN


Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset
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Background Text

Brief: How can we diversify the image of young men in media?

Problem: Men tend to guard their images to sustain manhood in society due to the single image of success.

Real Challenge: We need to make men's unguarded, true selves visible!

Describe the creative idea/insights

Insight: The lover is the sole witness to a man's authentic moments. Leveraging Gen Z's #boyfriend content trend, we aim to reshape how men are portrayed in media.

Core Idea: We will introduce a new ad campaign called #SpreadSpoiledGuys involving lovers revealing their guys' most relaxed moments to create the most authentic ads ever.

Describe the strategy

We will transform the portrayal of men in ads through user-generated content (UGC) from their lovers, which resonates more with Gen Z.

We make a shift from the traditional advertising style of depicting an idealized fictional image to showcasing real, non-fictional men. This involves moving from using a single model to featuring diverse UGCs, thereby transitioning from a top-down approach to a bottom-up approach.

Describe the execution

1. The lover captures the most relaxed moments of the boyfriend with an everyday product.

2. Post with #SpreadlSpoiledGuys and tag the portrayed brand.

3. On International Boyfriend Day, they become the ads by the tagged brand and the Unstereotyped Alliance.