Stream less, live more

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The global climate crisis continues to cause major natural disasters and although there are political campaigns that seek to make a change, most of the population is still not aware of this situation, especially young people, who will be responsible for taking care of the planet in the future. In this context, Project Dandelion is born, a global organization led by women on a mission to unite more people to the movement for climate justice, which wants to make a digital campaign that recruits young noisemakers and spreads its logo as a symbol of hope.

Describe the creative idea

The streaming world is the present and the future of young people, the place where they spend hours watching their favorite streamers and playing with their friends. But, there is a tendency among streamers to compete for who does the longest live stream, there is even a person who spent more than 1000 hours doing a broadcast.

That's why, Project Dandelion will join the most famous female streamers in the world to do what no one has ever done before, streamings that last less than 1 minute. For one week, these global influencers will do a live stream on Twitch, just to communicate that the climate crisis is advancing and we can all participate in the change by lowering our stream consumption. That's when they will leave a link to sign up for Dandelion and join the movement.

Describe the strategy

The climate crisis is generated by many factors. The most massive ones are fossil fuels, emitted by large factories, oil companies, etc. But, there is also a factor that pollutes the climate on a daily basis: the internet. We found that streaming is a massive industry that accounts for 82% of internet traffic and is responsible for approximately 6% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

Describe the execution

The first stage will be on Twitch as it is the largest social network in terms of streamings, where the most famous female streamers in the world will give this message that will reach many countries.

Then, we will take the action to other streaming platforms with millions of users such as Youtube and Spotify, where they will perform live and 1-minute podcasts.

Finally, we will take the action to Instagram and Tiktok, where influencers will make stories and trends that last less than 5 seconds.

On each platform, the message will be: “The global climate crisis is advancing but we canc change it by consuming less internet to live more. Join Dandelion and let's make the world a better place to live."