Success Hunt

Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset
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Background Text

The Unstereotype Alliance is on a mission to empower people in all their diversity and challenge harmful advertising stereotypes. They believe that together we can create a more equal world!

Over the past 75 years, there has been much stagnation or regression in the representation of men and masculinity. It is high time for us to change the narrative!

We can bridge the gap between what men think makes them successful and how advertising portrays it. We just need a powerful media strategy that reaches young men and presents a more diverse, contemporary understanding of success for them.

Describe the creative idea/insights

Research shows that 51.3% of men think that media is very likely to negatively affect how successful they feel because they constantly repeat the most stereotypical ways- aiming to be respected, powerful and rich- of what success for a man can be.

As men get older, they gain a wider perspective that helps them redefine success in a whole new way (“How did you define success when you were younger and how do you define it today?” Younger: 23% – making lots of money - Today: 22.6% – feeling happy and content about my day-to-day life). They realize that money-making isn't the only way to feel successful. Feeling happy and content about day-to-day life is just as important. Wouldn't it be great to have known that long before? We believe that by helping young men develop self-awareness, they can find the right milestones on the way to success sooner!

Describe the strategy

Primary we would like to get GenZ men who are engaged in the idea of success to discover that self-awareness plays a very important role in how successful they feel in their own lives. By getting to know ourselves more deeply, we can find out what our strengths are and where we need to improve. We can easily become more self-confident and our confidence helps us to stand up for ourselves and embrace what we really think is success in life, even if it differs from what the media tells us.

As we all know GenZ men mainly exist in digital spaces and love to play. Let’s make them play Success Hunt where they can reveal their very own way to feel successful.

Describe the execution

We invite people to play with the so-called Success Hunt! This mobile app game focuses on developing self-awareness. You can build up your character: choose your appearance and current skills you have (by filling out a test).

Choose a goal for yourself, which area you want to develop and be successful in? (expressing emotions, finance awareness, sport, etc.)

The game has two parts:

The first focuses on public self-awareness and developing skills like social or performance anxiety with tasks like giving feedback or doing sports.

The second one focuses on private self-awareness through tasks like meditating or practicing mindfulness.

By setting goals in different fields, men can achieve more successful moments in their everyday lives.

To promote the use of the app, we would use print ads with QR codes, a story telling Youtube ad sequence campaign and paid audio ads, as well as native content collaborations in relevant podcasts.