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Write a short summary of what happens in the film

In this film, a young man redefines success for himself by showing the little things that matter to him.

From corporate life success to doing house chores, building a family, and spending time with friends. Each aspect seems important to him, seeing the expressions on his face. The emphasis is on his facial expressions which depict a sense of satisfaction, happiness, and success.

At the end, we see a young viewer sparked by the video with a determination to create his own narrative of success by joining the conversation and sharing the video to social media platform, we see a movement as various young people across the world begin to engage with the ads, the film ends with the CTA to ‘find what success means to you’ by visiting the platform website


Situation: We have become used to seeing the extreme forms of success like high end luxury, lavish vacations, top fashion, fitness, etc. While these representations of success make young people aspire for such, their everyday minute successes are neglected even though they are valid enough to be celebrated.

Brief: This stereotype of telling male stories ends up projecting success to be unilateral. We need to unsell this narrative by telling new stories that depict men as ready to create their own success story while reiterating the fact that success is relative.

Objective: The main objective is to highlight the seemingly little wins that a man considers worthy as against the regular. Furthermore, it aims at broadening up the minds of the younger generation who are keenly looking up to models who can help craft a new narrative of success.

Strategy and Insight

Target Audience: They are shaped by their digital nativity and the socio-economic context they’ve grown up in. They value authenticity and support anything that aligns with the ethical practices which they most time engage with on social media on platforms like TikTok, Instagram stories, and YouTube shorts.

Insight: There is a connection between a smile and success. When you succeed, be it in the smallest of things or in the grandest things, you feel fulfilled and satisfied. This fulfilment and satisfaction produces an outward reaction of an undeniable smile. With this in mind, it can be deduced that whatever puts a smile on your face can be considered as a success.

Strategy: Building on your target audience and insight gotten, our strategy answers the brief as seen below;

In a world where the media and advertising has limited success moment to a handful of scenarios. Our strategy is to highlight on celebrated success moment that happen every day of our average gen Z lives , that we don’t typically celebrate in advertising. In this case, highlighting moments that make them smile, because your body unconsciously lets out happy hormones and you smile, when you succeed at anything no matter how small or big.