Successful man of 21st century

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The Unstereotype Alliance, led by UN Women, aims to transform the advertising industry by challenging harmful stereotypes. Since its inception in 2017, the Alliance has made significant strides in reshaping how women and girls are portrayed in media. However, the representation of men and masculinity has stagnated or regressed, reinforcing outdated stereotypes that negatively impact men's mental health and sense of achievement, particularly among young men.

The current focus is on redefining these narratives and promoting diverse and contemporary understandings of masculinity. Targeting Gen Z men aged 18-27, who value authenticity and social responsibility, the campaign seeks to use the power of print media to disrupt the status quo. By advocating for healthier and more inclusive portrayals of men in advertising, the Alliance aims to foster a cultural shift towards more positive and empowering representations of masculinity.

Creative Idea

When we began tackling the brief, we delved into what advertisements typically emphasize — muscles, money, cars — and realized they often overlook a crucial truth: true success hinges on happiness. For our Gen Z audience, aged 18-27, we knew we had just seconds to capture their attention, as studies indicate they have the shortest ad engagement span of any demographic.

To convey our message effectively, we turned to AI, a medium Gen Z trusts. We created an AI-generated image of a genuinely happy individual and presented it as the epitome of success. Our design choices - from print texture to layout, elements, and fonts - were carefully curated to resonate with Gen Z's aesthetic preferences. By leveraging this approach, we aimed to not only grab their attention but also challenge conventional norms in advertising, promoting the idea that genuine happiness is the ultimate measure of achievement.

Strategy and Insight

Our approach stems from understanding that traditional ads often miss what matters most to Gen Z: happiness and personal fulfillment. They value authenticity over superficial symbols of success like muscles or money. Our strategy is to use AI-generated imagery to challenge these norms and resonate with Gen Z's values.

The print ad is designed with Gen Z in mind - clean layouts, vibrant colors, and a mix of digital and natural textures. This ensures it catches their eye and delivers our message quickly, crucial given their short attention span for ads.

Choosing AI reflects their trust in technology. By portraying genuine happiness as the ultimate success, we aim to provoke thought and inspire a shift toward more meaningful advertising. Our goal is to empower Gen Z to redefine success on their terms, embracing happiness as a measure of achievement.