Successfully You.


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Write a short summary of what happens in the film

We open with a scene that mimics ‘manfluencer’ videos on social media. Zooming out, we see a young man at the end of a virtual job interview, striving to impress his potential employers with phrases he learned online but falling short. After the call ends, he forgets to log off and begins acting naturally. He answers a call from a friend who encourages him to embrace his vulnerable, empathetic, and passionate sides. Unbeknownst to him, his interviewers are still watching and become intrigued. Realizing he's still on the call, he's momentarily embarrassed but quickly understands that his diverse traits are his strengths. The film closes with an empowering message: "Success is being authentically you”, activating viewers to discover their version on The Unstereotype Alliance website.


Young men today often face a one-dimensional portrayal of success, especially on social media. By hooking the Gen-Z with a ‘manfluencer’ style scene, our spot aims to counter this by showing young men that their authentic selves are enough. Our objective is to empower men to highlight their multifaceted passions and discover diverse versions of success through The Unstereotype Alliance. By promoting a more inclusive and realistic portrayal of 'successful' character traits, we hope to improve young men's mental health and overall well-being, encouraging them to value empathy, kindness, and vulnerability as key components of success.

Strategy and Insight

Our strategy is built on the insight that people feel most authentic when they think no one is watching, allowing them to embrace passions and traits that truly resonate with them. We aim to redefine success by showcasing it as multifaceted, rooted in empathy, kindness, and vulnerability. This approach directly addresses the brief by moving away from the stereotypical ideals promoted by ‘manfluencers’ towards a more genuine, relatable, and diverse depiction of being a male.

The video targets Gen Z men, who spend significant time in digital spaces and are at the beginning of their careers. By highlighting authentic success stories that young men can relate to, we aim to connect with this group, offering them new role models and narratives that inspire positive change. Our call to action invites viewers to explore their definitions of success and join the movement toward a more inclusive understanding of what success means today.