Taste The World


Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset
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The International Development Association is working towards delivering a funding goal of 120 billion, which will enable them to support several countries in need.

They would like to create and share a prevailing positive sentiment of “we can do big things together”

It’s their objective to deliver this funding goal by December 2024 to support several deserving countries that require investments in their future.

The IDA believes that the world can’t move forward if you leave millions behind, and they are building a coalition among young people, civil society groups, philanthropists, and people of influence to make an impact for global good.


The IDA is facing a fundraising challenge of meeting a financial goal of 120 billion for December 2024

To conquer this challenge they must first educate and mobilize the collective global youth from around the world to understand what the IDA is and the undeniable impact they have

The IDA values young people, entrepreneurs, civil society groups, philanthropists, and people of influence that can demonstrate the IDA’s value

​​Their target is Gen Z & young millennials (18-34) who have influence and can drive impact for change.

This target will be located in targeted donor countries as well current existing IDA donor countries.

The desired outcome it to achieve a swarm of activity through social media spearheaded by influential youth

Insight / Breakthrough Thinking

In order to develop our strategy we first did research to understand the 3 indisputable truths surrounding, IDA, McDonald’s, and humans universally

Human Truth: You can’t change what you can’t see. ​

IDA Truth: The world can’t move forward if millions are left behind.

McDonalds Truth: Fans crave new and exciting menu items that they can’t get every day.​

Taking this research into consideration we arrived at the insight that guided out larger campaign strategy: I’m more inclined to help others when I can see/feel the impact on the world.​

This is a compelling insight that resonates with our target demographic and unlocks an understanding that they must feel a direct link to the problem to be a part of the solution.

Creative Idea

Celebrate flavours from across the globe with McDonalds Taste The World menu, featuring limited edition menu items from IDA graduate countries. A purchase from the Taste the World unlocks a chance to win a trip to the featured country to try the full McDonald's menu and learn more about IDA's impact on the region.

This directly links to our insight because it puts undeniable proof in the mouth of consumers, and it's appealing to Gen Z who crave social trends and new McDonald's menu items!