Taste Today, Change Tomorrow


Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset
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How can we explain IDA to the public and help them realize it’s the best investment in the future?

- WHO: IDA, a fundamental division of the World Bank that serves as a vital support mechanism for 75 low-income countries providing grants and low-interest loans for essential services such as health, water, and electricity.

- WHAT: IDA wants to create a campaign to generate a unifying sentiment of collective action, encouraging increased donor contributions from governments. The goal is to position IDA as the foremost investment in a sustainable and inclusive future, thereby driving widespread engagement and support.

- HOW: By rallying young people, entrepreneurs, civil society groups, philanthropies and influencers to generate a unifying sentiment of collective action, encouraging increased donor contributions from governments.

- WHY: The goal is to position IDA as the foremost investment in a sustainable and inclusive future, thereby driving widespread engagement and support.


Yatekomo, as an ultra-convenient Oriental-Ready-Meal brand inspiring youth, is the perfect ally for IDA21 challenges:

- With its joker personality, Yatekomo deeply resonates with Spanish youth, ranking among top 10 engaging brands for Gen-Z, the new target of IDA21 next campaign

- Yatekomo's purpose of empowering youth to enjoy their moments of good vibes without complications and fostering community aligns closely with IDA21's values & objective of advocating for a better future.

- Targeting Spanish young adults aged 18-25, Yatekomo becomes an ideal strategic partner for IDA21 to connect with youth. It can effectively raise awareness for IDA21’s overcoming the main challenge the organization has; and encourage collective action, leveraging its influence to advocate for increased government funding for global initiatives, the main desired outcome for IDA21.

Thus, Yatekomo will cover the needs of IDA21 and act as a bridge between generations, driving meaningful engagement for a brighter future.

Insight / Breakthrough Thinking

To develop an original and compelling strategy, extensive research and data have been used to deeply understand the target audience and their motivations.

Identifying HUMAN TRUTH: “People, especially youth, want to feel that their voices matter and that they can contribute to meaningful change on a global scale”. Recognized that youth desire empowerment and believe in the power of collective action.

Aligning BRAND TRUTH: “Yatekomo positions itself as a Spanish local brand that understands and meets the needs of youth”. Used data on consumer behavior and preferences to brand strategies.

Developing CONSUMER INSIGHT: “Youth are more likely to engage and advocate when they connect emotionally with the message through brand strategies that reflect their own beliefs”. Discovered that emotional connection is key to youth engagement.

The breakthrough moment was realizing that combining young people's desire for meaningful impact with Yatekomo's brand truth could create a powerful strategy to drive action.

Creative Idea

‘Taste Today, Change Tomorrow’

Big Idea: Yatekomo introduces innovative, delicious, and convenient solutions while supporting positive change through IDA21 programs.

Engagement Hook:

Leverage new Yatekomo flavors as drivers of future change alongside IDA21.

Key Strategies:

-Different: Launch a Special Edition with three new flavors representing the lowest GDP countries (Tikka Masala for Bangladesh, Spicy Chicken for Ethiopia, Beef Biryani for Pakistan). Each pack contains a QR code linking to testimonials, IDA info, and a petition.

-Attractive: Offer a pay 1 get 3 deal in stores to highlight IDA’s financing model: every $1 invested can leverage $3.

-Engaging: Kick off a viral digital campaign with UGC and IGC, starting with a WOW event: placing 3 giant Yatekomo packs in front of the Spanish Government Seat to maximize impact.

Campaign Goals:

-Reason to Believe: We are all in this together.

-Role of Communication: Drive awareness, engagement, and action.

-Target: Spanish active young adults (18-25) and the Spanish government.

-Brand Personality: Welcoming, compassionate, empowering, and