The Biggest Success Story of the World

Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset
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Background Text

There is a huge gap between the portrayal of success in modern media and the true experience of success for young men worldwide in their daily life. In media, men are bombarded with one dimensional stories that often ignore what we know to be their actual aspirations - research consistently names 'meaningful relationships' or 'financial stability' as top aspirations for Gen Z men. These are the stories that should be more present in media and where our story begins.

Describe the creative idea/insights

77% of Gen Z males find it important to celebrate their achievements, implying that they do care about success. With the insight that 88% of Gen Z play online games, we concluded that gaming is the best channel to kickstart a longlasting movement. It is a social activity, especially multiplayer games that facilitate meaningful interactions. Due to its creative nature and high adoption by our target audience, we chose Minecraft as our key gaming platform to tell thousands of stories.

Describe the strategy

The biggest success story of the world is based on user generated content (USG) to engage thousands of young men to discover authentic and diverse definitions of success. The campaign is kickstarted by influencers, followed by an engaging social media channels. By running a gaming and social media campaign, we reach our target group where they love spending their down time and additionally create an innovative gaming experience.

Describe the execution

We leverage the anonymity of Reddit to ask the key question: What does success look like in your everyday life? Out of these answers, we choose aspirations that are recreated in Minecraft as Quests. Influencers on Twitch, TikTok and YouTube promote the launch of the campaign by successfully completing a Quest in Minecraft, followed by ads on Twitch, YouTube, Social and Discord to spread awareness. Millions of young men will engage with diverse portrayals of success while gaming, thus experiencing multidimensional successes themselves. So we can write the biggest success story the world has ever seen.