The DANDEline

Young Entry Asset
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Fractured and failing to ignite new support, the climate movement craves a global unifier. A staggering 89% yearn for bolder government action, yet lack a clear path to join the fight. We'll illuminate that path, inviting individuals into a movement that amplifies their voices, by talking their language and encouraging them to ask for leaders to change priorities.

Describe the creative idea

Young consumers show their ideals, interests, and identities through their clothing choices. They are technologically sophisticated, always connected, value digital purchasing experiences, and look to influencers for inspiration and advice. Meanwhile, they want to take action for climate justice and encourage their governments to do more, but they often don't know how or where to start.

Describe the strategy

Capitalizing on young consumers’ desire for purpose-driven fashion, we launch "The DANDEline," an innovative AR T-shirt clothing line that transforms clothes into a powerful platform for unheard climate warriors, letting their stories take root and spread like dandelion seeds across the globe.

We mobilize Gen Z by encouraging them to wear our DANDEline shirts, post stories on social media, and join the campaign. We build momentum in the run-up to COP30 in Brazil (November 2025), culminating in a powerful visual statement calling for bold action from world leaders, whom we also invite to wear our DANDEline shirts at the event.

Describe the execution

Phase 1:

We kick things off with influential celebrities wearing our AR T-shirt at prestigious events. As smartphones capture the moment using IG & TikTok’s cameras, the shirt will come alive using image recognition, projecting the stories of climate warriors onto the world stage.

Phase 2:

The DANDEline T-shirt serves as a call to action; Individuals who purchase a shirt join the cause, express their opinions on social media with the hashtag #WearTheChange, and have their names instantly added to a strong petition demanding change.

The Project Dandelion website is the campaign's digital hub and starting point, bringing together the voices of frontline defenders and digital noisemakers. It's a digital space where users may engage with indigenous women's experiences, watch the movement's progress, and join the growing Dandelions community.

Phase 3:

In the lead-up to COP30, we ask female politicians to join the movement by wearing The DANDEline T-shirt during the COP30.