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To answer this brief we set ourselves 3 rules:

1. We have to meet people where they already are, rather than trying to make them join another group.

2. We aren’t going to preach to the already environmentally conscious choir, instead we’re going to respect their efforts.

3. Remember that we’re all dandelions, that just don’t know it yet.


Opting out opens us up to things we never would have opted in to. Organ donation became an opt-out choice in a number of countries making everyone a willing donor when they die unless they say otherwise.

Countries that depend on opt-in for organ donation only see success rates of approximately 28% of the population sign up to become donors, comparatively to the 98%-100% adoption seen in the opt-out countries. (Johnston & Goldstein, 2003)

What if we we used this model to recruit our Dandelions?

Describe the creative idea

Idea: The Dandelion Effect

Where the world becomes a Dandelion overnight.

Project Dandelion is going to create the first ever opt-out recruitment campaign.

Making the 5.07 billion social media users worldwide (Statista, 2024) dandelions overnight.

Seeding out to partner with any brands or businesses with a CRM database globally, creating the ultimate Dandelion Effect.

Describe the strategy

We’re not going to show the world we’re dandelions, we’re going to make the world dandelions with immediate effect.

Project Dandelion is a place for everyone, so no matter your level of fame or number of followers, everyone will suddenly have the same verified Dandelion tag after their name.

By giving it to everyone including those with a verified blue tick, we’re giving it instant social currency. The dandelion will become the universal connector, something you can share not only with your friends and family but with the musicians, actors, activists, designers, world leaders, chefs, athletes etc. that you also follow and look to as a source of inspiration.

Describe the execution

Social algorithms are largely discovery based because people are innately curious.

The Dandelion Effect is going to tap into this.

Clicking your Dandelion tag sets Project Dandelion in motion in 3 ways:

An email will be automatically sent to your local government representative formalising what should be achieved at COP30.

Inspiring front line stories will start appearing in your 'for you page'.

New Dandelions will get instant gratification from the power of their own actions.

To increase reach those who had verified blue ticks to begin with will add to the hype as they question where it’s gone and what it’s been replaced with, giving the Dandelion story greater PR.