The Dandelion Effect

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Social networks’ algorithms amplify climate crisis misinformation.

According to a study, 30% of videos on the topic contained misleading facts.

They penalize women’s content in favour of patriarchical views

and climate crisis-denying content, as impulsed by big, complicit corporations.

And while 89% of people agree that we should act on the climate crisis,

not seeing others speak up causes them to think they’re alone in this fight.

Meaning that the climate crisis isn’t only a communication issue, it’s a visibility issue.

That’s why, to mobilize the individual members of our target and create a global community movement,

we have to first show them just how many people share their desire for climate action.

Instigating a grassroots campaign inspired by the butterfly effect—the idea that small things can have non-linear impacts on a complex system—like a butterfly flapping its wings causing a typhoon.

Describe the creative idea

Because each small piece of content and opinion on its own, when shared, can make a huge impact on the real world,

We’re creating The Dandelion Effect: A movement that encourages you blow the bias away by sharing women-created climate conscious content to positively influence others’ TikTok #FYP (For You Page).

And in doing so, helping those around us get a fresh start in their social media suggestions, by sending more climate activists’ stories to their sections; as if spreading virtual seeds of hope in their algorithms.

Refreshing algorithms worldwide by replacing doom and gloom, which demotivates us from acting for climate, with positive messages of hope instead – inviting everyone to take part and #BecomeADandelion.

Describe the strategy

This campaign does not only directly increase visibility of the suppressed content to their closest contacts (whom they shared the post with), but also triggers exponential reach of the content across the platform (as the algorithm pushes it more after noticing more interactions), as well as introduces them to more content that uses the same hashtags – connecting our target to even more Dandelions.

That’s why the campaign’s target audience knows no bounds. We aim to reach everyone eventually, by leveraging the beneficial powers of social media and TikTok specifically to spread our message organically – and counteract the platform’s biased dark side.

Using our campaign's hashtag, we'll geolocate our movement's reach, to accurately calculate in which circles to push more related messages, and incite a new wave of followers.

Describe the execution

Coming May 15th, World Climate Change Day (Spring time, when the flowers are blooming), we’ll kick off by collaborating with local grassroots influencers to share a video of them wearing our Project Dandelion pin, while they explain to their audience how they can join the cause and become part of the Dandelion Effect.

To play into our medium’s strengths, we’ll employ elements to ensure the algorithm will classify our content as trending. Our brand’s ambassadors will blow into their phone’s microphone as a metaphor for doing away with the app’s bias and spread the seed to plant new dandelions across the world. Accompanying their posts and pushing the movement with the blowing emoji and the hashtags #BlowTheBiasAway and #BecomeADandelion.

Creating a chain effect in which others follow suit, and spread the word of our campaign far and wide, to gather a large, organically-growing community of Dandelions in time for COP30.