The direction to success (COLOMBIA)


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Young Entry Asset
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When thinking about men's success, the first things that often come to mind are money, women, muscular bodies, luxury cars, awards, and so on.

It's time to change the narrative perpetuated by advertising, movies, and culture, because success is abstract and can encompass anything that a man desires or values.

The Unstereotype Alliance aims to raise awareness and initiate conversations about the importance of inclusive and authentic representations of men, this time through an advertising print.

Creative Idea

We have numerous symbols in our minds, with some of the most significant being gender symbols.

These symbols are so ingrained that people can draw them from memory alone.

Even a slight modification to the masculine symbol could capture men's attention and bring about a significant shift in their mindset, emphasizing that the path to success can be in many directions.

Strategy and Insight

The masculine symbol is one of the most iconic symbols in global culture. Originally associated with the spear and shield of Mars, the Greek god of war, it came to symbolize strength and the physical attributes of the deity.

For centuries, it has been viewed as a representation of power, often depicted with an arrow pointing upwards and to the right, suggesting that men have a singular direction to follow in life.


We created a campaign where the masculine symbol has its arrow pointing to many directions and not only upwards and to the right.

In this way the message is clear: Success can be found in many directions. Find yours.