The essence, for men.

Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset
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Creating a media idea that redefines the notion of success for young men, moving away from harmful stereotypes and toxic masculinity. A more diverse and contemporary understanding of what it means to be successful, using advertising that inspires and empowers rather than restricts and demeans.

Our aim is to build a campaign that gives a counter noise to the industry as well as inspire and empower men to stay true to themselves and reject the damaging ideals portrayed in the media.

Describe the creative idea/insights

Toxic masculinity recurs in several industries, but it is especially persistent in the perfume industry. Perfumes are elusive and sold by creating aspirational worlds - worlds that often promote a narrow, damaging definition of success. Success that smells.

We introduce a new fragrance that moves away from the typical portraits of successful men and expose the hidden consequences of toxic masculinity in an unexpected way.

Together with a professional perfumer, Unstereotype Alliance launches "The Essence". A limited-edition perfume made from the tears of men affected by toxic masculinity tears mixed with soft fragrance notes. Creating a gentle fragrance that exudes powerful masculinity.


A fragrance that serves as a human response to the harmful stereotypes created by the perfume advertising industry. "The Essence" is not just a counter movement, it’s also a reminder to stay connected to the core of who you are and not lose yourself in the distorted version of "success".

Describe the strategy

The perfume advertising industry is one that breaks people down instead of building them up. Harmful stereotypes that make men feel more and more insecure. Emotions they keep to themselves. Instead of continuing these harmful ideals, our campaign aims to counter them.  

Describe the execution

Together with a professional perfumer, Unstereotype Alliance launches "The Essence". A limited-edition perfume made from the tears of men affected by toxic masculinity tears mixed with soft fragrance notes. Creating a gentle fragrance that exudes powerful masculinity.

The teardrop-shaped bottle, will be displaced in the windows of well-known fragrance stores. Furthermore, we will communicate this perfume through OOH. Using prints in which we take the visual identity of stereotypical perfume prints but portrayed with "real" people.