The Green Vote - France

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Because we are not acting quickly enough for a greener world, our planet is currently facing a climate and natural crisis. Unfortunately, our politicians often continue to avoid the issue and do not listen to the few activists struggling to make their voices heard. And if 89% of the population admits they expect more from their politicians regarding the climate crisis, they are losing trust in their leaders and increasingly choosing to cast blank votes in their elections. In anticipation of COP30, our goal is to create a global online movement that gathers as many people as possible, demanding change and ready to claim they support and joined Dandelions. We want to gather as many members as we can all over the world and use the power of the people to influence those in power.

Describe the creative idea

The problem is that while we want politicians to react, our targeted audience (young, connected, mobilized) is the most likely to cast blank votes as they see no action from leaders. To capture their attention, we'll allow all those who want to drive change to protest more than ever. That's why we have created the first green vote: a downloadable online ballot. To express their dissatisfaction, citizens will be able to replace the blank ballot with a green vote with the dandelion symbol for a new candidate: Mother Earth. A rallying campaign will be conducted on social media, giving the Earth a voice for the first time to remind everyone of the urgency to act quickly. This voice, gathering women from around the world's voices, will present the project at COP30, showing that citizens are waiting for the candidate that will be ready to make a difference.

Describe the strategy

Our strategy is to leverage the percentage of people who cast blank votes and turn this into our advantage to drive change. In France, over 320 000 people opted for blank vote in the last elections, using it to express their dissatisfaction. Most of these people are part of our main targeted audience: the young digital noisemakers. Like 89% of the population, they are aware of the environmental emergency and expect more from their government. They are active on social media and not afraid of claiming their political and environmental opinions. Our aim is to create a new impactful way of protesting by making them join our movement. That is why we will focus on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. Choosing social media not only makes it easy for them to join the movement, but it also encourages them to claim to the world "I am a dandelion”.

Describe the execution

During the year before COP30, we will mobilize popular environmental influencers in every voting country. We will send them an audio message where Mother Earth speaks. To stir emotion, she will be presented as a mother who is suffering and needs help. She will present herself as a candidate in the elections. Our influencers will share the audio on their networks, encouraging users who wish to protest against political inaction on the climate crisis to download a green ballot. On election day, voters will place the green ballot in their envelopes and cast their votes. After downloading the ballot, users will be able to share their vote in their Instagram story and urge their followers to join the movement. This operation will be repeated in each country holding elections throughout the year. At COP30 in November 2025, we will showcase the global scale of the campaign and its worldwide impact.