The Michelin Petition

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Jood Kitchen already has a business plan on how to hire and educate homeless people into brilliant chiefs. Their plan is to ultimately maintain 13 restaurants over Morocco. That’s why they need customers.

Business lunches and dinners are a billion-euro business. To be able to ultimately run 13 restaurants and get profits to the organization, Jood Kitchen needs to turn charity into business case. That’s why they need to get the attention of the corporations and business leaders.

When it comes to corporations and business leaders, it’s all about status. They want to impress their colleagues, competitors, and clients. One of the most popular ways is to treat their target audiences a dinner. Our objective is to make them come to Jood Kitchen.

Describe the creative idea

There are universal criteria for deciding if a restaurant is worth a visit – the Michelin Guide. The criteria were established in 1936. Ever since, business leaders, politicians and corporations have decided where to eat based on the little red guide.

Jood Kitchen launches a petition to add a sixth extra criterion for Michelin Stars. This additional criterion broadens the perspective to emphasize social responsibility. The real luxury is responsible.

Describe the PR strategy

Insight: When it comes to corporations and business leaders, it’s all about the status. They want to impress their colleagues, competitors, and clients by treating them with fancy dinners. There are universal criteria for deciding if a restaurant is status-worthy: the Michelin Guide.

Key message: The real luxury is responsible - initiating a new Michelin Star criteria to emphasize social responsibility.

Target audience: Business leaders and corporations who want to uplift their status.

Assets: The execution is divided into three phases with Michelin Star lookalike signs, press releases, real book handed to the Michelin organization “Michelin Guide: Morocco 2025”, and concrete petition with list of names that have signed it.

Describe the PR execution

The Michelin Petition is divided into three phases:

Phase 1: Silent launch via PR stunt that places Michelin Star lookalike signs in the doors of real Michelin Star restaurants.

Phase 2: Jood Kitchen claims the stunt and launches the petition. They starts to collect names and companies to sign the initiative.

Phase 3: Converting PR into action. Jood brings the shortest Michelin Guide Book, Morocco 2025, to the Michelin headquarters, along with a printed petition containing signatures from all over Morocco and Africa. Press will be invited to follow the handing of the book.

Corporations will associate Jood Kitchen with Michelin Stars and start bringing their clients there.