The Most Successful Man in the World

Young Entry Asset
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The representation of men in advertising is in a long need of change. Images displaying “successful men” have been the same for decades: success is still depicted by luxurious cars and watches, expensive drinks and strong muscle - while men today, relate success to fulfilling their emotional needs, rather than the materialistic ones. There is a significant gap between the representations of “male success” in advertising and media and how it is experienced in real life. This disparity creates space for the rise of regressive gender attitudes among young men.

Our objective is to close this gap: we need to step away from gender stereotypes and redefine what it means to be a successful man in today's world.

Creative Idea

By using one of the most known user interfaces for Gen Z men – video game character building space, we are grabbing the attention of our target audience.

We want to translate an already well-known mechanism of building your own character from start, choosing each specific trait to create a unique protagonist, into a tool which will help relate the modern understanding of a “successful man”.

Strategy and Insight

Replacing the old definition of a successful man with a new one, however it may look, will send us into an indefinite loop of chasing the ideal – never actually reaching it.

That is why we wanted to show that there is no one answer that works for everyone, no ideal that everyone should aspire to. Instead, there are a million options, million different combinations of characteristics, values, traits that make a man successful.

Gen Z man have been creating their unique “successful men” through video games for almost their whole lives, they just weren’t aware of doing it.

We are reminding them of a familiar setting, but the actual building options are different. Instead of the traits typically used to describe a man: ones focusing on endurance, strength, speed or physical appearance, we wanted to show deeper, more meaningful characteristics, the ones that are a part of today’s successful man.

Like in a video game, each characteristic can be individually programmed to form a unique combination of traits and represent each unique real life successful man.