The other mike

Young Entry Asset
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We are starting to see women strongly represented in the advertising industry, despite all their differences. But for men we only see the handsome ones. Or we use men who do not fit the general aesthetic perception as a comedy material.


Unstereotype Alliance came to us with a unique brief that gave us the chance to influence the future of advertising. I believe that we, as Young Creatives, influence society with the advertisements we produce. In a time when masculinity has been corrupted by social media and manfluencers. It is very exciting to reflect masculinity in a healthy and diverse way.


To pioneer the healthy representation of men who do not comply with society's aesthetic understanding in the advertising world and to ensure that future generations are not negatively affected by unhealthy representations of masculinity.

Creative Idea

Whatever the problem, success is never easy. Achieving success wasn't easy for Mike either. At 1.80 meters tall and weighing 120 kilos, he was on the verge of morbid obesity with a body mass index of 37 when he started his first training. He continued running, enduring the extreme strain and pain on his joints. He lost 24 kilos, overcame obesity and his body mass index dropped to 29.6. Mike continues to run whether we see him or not. We designed a story to be told with this print ad, our target audience is Generation Z, they are not interested in ads without a story. Our story and insight came from the truth itself, so we believe people will like it.

Strategy and Insight

In the past, everyone wanted to be like Michael Jordan and the advertising world marketed him. It's okay to want to be a GOAT, but success is not such a sharp concept. We believe that success has many different versions that we achieve through effort. Our Mike is as successful as Jordan and deserves to have a presence in the advertising world that influences the younger generations.

Other Mike campaign is our way of celebrating all the people who are underrepresented in the advertising world today but are working to be better every day. Our target audience, generation Z, is moving further away from advertisements every day. This generation ignores the repetitive advertising clichés. With this campaign, in which we try to break the taboos. We invite the entire advertising world to act with us.


We produced our image in Adobe Firefly and did the rest with Adobe Photoshop.