The Toxic Feed


Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset
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Young people are facing a major issue : the portrayal of men success remains blocked in old biais, affecting their mental health. Unstereotype Alliance wanted us to do a print which shows young people that there is not one version of success, but many versions that they don’t see yet. It’s well known that young people spend the most of their time on their smartphones, especially on social media, and this is the place where toxic masculinity and biais emerged the most, reinforcing stigmas that drives some of them through mental health issues.

Creative Idea

As we have to catch their attention with print, one of the media that they may care less, we wanted to use the codes that attract them by replicate an Instagram feed to promote our message, because this is where all the issues that they have with success begin. Showing them the toxicity of their feed and invite them to clean it after was for us the best way to open their minds on alternatives ways of success. The title on the print is an invitation for us to ask them a crucial question, are you sure to really choose what you aspire to ? A way to provoke and question them on the future man they want to be, and we hope, redefine their vision of success.

Strategy and Insight

In this campaign, we want to showing young people the real hidden evil behind the clichés of manhood success : social media algorithms. Today, algorithms on these platforms drive people through old standards and biais of man success, comforting toxic masculinity that we want to fight. With that print, we will raise awareness around the fact that young guys are now brainwashed by what they see and unfortunately, that prevent other versions of success to emerge. That’s why behind this print, we want people to go to Unstereotype Alliance website to learn how to reset their social media algorithms to free their minds and break stigmas around men successes. For us, it answers the brief because it goes straight to the main problem and offers a solution : what young men are facing on social media with the algorithms and the possible way to clean their feeds to open their minds on the many versions of success that they can thrive for.