The Unknown Face Behind Iconic Film

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Museu da Imagem e do Som is devoted to all kinds of image and sound themes. In August, the museum will open the doors to an exhibition about the works of Billy Wilder, the filmmaker with an extraordinary and enchanting oeuvre. The exhibition design follows the atmosphere of each highlighted film, reproducing its main scenario and moments. Museu da Imagem e do Som is devoted to all kinds of image and sound themes. In August, the museum will open the doors to an exhibition about the works of Billy Wilder, the filmmaker with an extraordinary and enchanting oeuvre. The exhibition design follows the atmosphere of each highlighted film, reproducing its main scenario and moments.

Describe the creative idea

The target audience our design identity reaches are film enthusiasts. We show them that they are the would-be Billy Wilder fans but were born too late to experience his era. We peak their curiosity by boldly declaring Wilder’s icon status, and allow them to learn more about him, his legacy and the exhibit through the logo portrait codes.

Describe the execution

The design elements used were Color Halftone, QR codes and portraits of Billy Wilder. The halftone effect links to Wilder’s constant connection to the ethos of his time, while the QR code portraits link to how his legacy still resonates today. Our design aims to touch both nostalgic feelings and seamless technology integration.

Integrated across various touchpoints this design offers an immersive experience through OOH advertising, merchandise, and social media. But what makes this unique is that it can be implemented throughout the exhibition to give the guests more context, or hidden easter eggs. The style of Wilder’s time blended with a sign of our time is used to resonate widely. This design’s standout feature is its adaptability, and the possibility of offering contextual insights.