The Unmissable Agenda - Argentina

Young Entry Asset
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The climate crisis needs quick solutions, but change is not happening fast enough. The focus is on small actions when it should be on demanding that governments regulate large companies. Meanwhile, the phenomenon of "eco-anxiety" generates stress and affects the mental health of over 65% of young people worldwide. Due to this, they are the most involved in the causes but continue to feel frustrated because they feel alone in the cause, without a community to support or protect them.

Describe the creative idea

The climate crisis is an urgent issue to resolve. However, both the masses and governments tend to prioritize other issues. At Project Dandelion, we believe that every issue is a climate issue. Therefore, we want to place the environmental crisis at the center of the public agenda.

Our initiative involves integrating a climate agenda into the most widely used digital calendars, such as Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, and Microsoft Calendar. This tool will help raise awareness among young people about the urgency of the problem and pressure politicians and governments to prioritize climate change in their legislative agendas.

We will create a social media campaign working with women influencers to generate awareness and promote The Unmissable Agenda with a strategic call-to-action message:



Describe the strategy

By being part of this agenda, Dandelions activists will have direct access to detailed information about actions and future events, like links and reminders. This will not only create an informed and active community but also provide a safe space to advance the fight against climate crisis. By offering planned information, it will help to calm the eco-anxiety suffered by this generation by providing them with hope for a climate safer world for all.

Describe the execution

This event will be editable and will last until COP30 in November 2025. It will be modified when external events occur that contradict our action plan, adding an action in response. For example, during the launch of a vehicle harmful to the planet or the inauguration of a president who claims that the climate crisis is a myth, we will organize a physical or digital response to show our disapproval by editing our event of call.

By being part of this agenda, Dandelions activists will have direct access to detailed information about actions and future events, like links and reminders. This will not only create an informed and active community but also provide a safe space to advance the fight against climate crisis. By offering planned information, it will help to calm the eco-anxiety suffered by this generation by providing them with hope for a climate safer world for all.