The World's Largest Climate Protest


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The climate crisis requires urgent, unified global action, but current campaigns are disjointed and lack a cohesive movement to rally behind. With COP30 Brazil approaching, Project Dandelion aims to mobilize 10 million people globally for climate action to unify voices and demand change. 89% of people advocate for change, but underestimate the power of their actions or do not know how to contribute effectively. Without mass participation, demonstrating collective power is challenging, especially since many cannot physically attend the conference. Further, since all issues are climate issues, we have to respect that every activist has their own relationship with climate change and must be equipped with opportunity to mobilize in ways that work for them.

Describe the creative idea

On the week leading up to COP30, we propose a collaboration between Project Dandelion, and Fitness social platform Strava, to prompt users to dedicate their next exercise to climate activism—whether cycling, running, or swimming, at home or outdoors. The new Sponsored Challenge, “The World’s Largest Climate Protest” invites users to start a workout, choose a milestone distance, and contribute miles to a global effort for climate activism under the Dandelion Banner—a symbolic march. With the numbers rallied, we aim for the Dandelions to be the world's largest digital protest, mobilized to put pressure on representives at COP30. This idea leverages Strava's engaged, socially active user base - one that wants to protect the world they run in.

We aim to walk 20,000 miles as a collective minimum, which is the farthest distance from Brazil on Earth, demonstrating how far Dandelions would walk / move to protect our planet’s future.

Describe the strategy

Project Dandelion aims to become the rallying symbol for the global climate movement. Leveraging Strava - the world's largest sports community platform with 120 million dedicated users - is ideal for encouraging active participation in climate activism. Strava’s audience, which shares 40 million activities per week from every country, is perfect for mobilizing a global digital protest.

Greta Thunberg held a 6 million person strong rally in 2019 - activating just 10% of Strava’s users, we have the potential to double that. Strava users are highly engaged, concious and socially active, making them ideal candidates for spreading awareness and participation. The strategy focuses on using Strava’s existing engagement to achieve this collective goal, leveraging a series of hashtags - including #IWalkedToBrazil - driving a shocking (yet technically true) social awareness campaign, to gain footfall across the Strava and Social media timelines between friends and the followers of climate influencers.

Describe the execution

Starting the challenge on Strava triggers a pop-up with details about COP30, the importance of collective climate action, and a pledge to join Project Dandelion. A prompt appears, asking what climate issue they want to dedicate their walk to - translating to additional petition data to drive the narrative at COP30. Users receive the Dandelion seal for their account to display proudly.

If 10 million users walk 10 miles each in the week before COP30, we have not only the worlds largest climate protest - this 100 million march to Brazil reaches a cumulative scale of 4000x the circumference of the earth.

The Dandelion Clock, a microsite named after the crown of the flower, showcases global effort data and metrics, including cumulative community miles walked, an interactive map, and a platform called ‘Dandelion Mail’ to send messages to their COP30 representatives, where users can share stories and demand change.