Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset
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Despite being potentially one of the greatest filmmakers in history, Billy

Wilder isn’t as famous as some iconic scenes from the movies he created.

The Museum of Image and Sound in São Paulo wants to change that and

selected some movies directed by Billy Wilder to provide them with a special gallery by reproducing its main scenarios and moments.

The exhibition needs a visual identity worthy of carrying and introducing Billy

Wilder and his work to the very large and diverse audience of the MIS, while being in good use over all communication materials about the exhibition.

Describe the creative idea

We gave the visual identity of MIS’s new master exhibition an unexpected

and flexible point of view. Building upon the phrase “through the eyes of Billy

Wilder” we charged his name with boldness and used it as a visual portal into the world of Billy’s iconic movies – in a way where you can’t get past his name while still recognizing the unforgettable moments he created in the world of

cinematography. Each of his works is directly reflected in the title to automatically correspond Billy with his work.

To target our very diverse audience, we created a visual language that finds

inspiration in the mid 90s Hollywood era while still coming along with a powerful boldness a modern design needs these days to catch the younger target group as well.

Describe the execution

Using a clear, condensed word mark, the name Billy Wilder becomes the key

of every touchpoint created. Being used as a flexible playground, the logo can

either be cut out or get filled with iconic pictures or movie scenes to create the

illusion of watching his creations through Billy’s mind and eyes.

The colors and the typeface are inspired by the uprising times of Hollywood

in the mid-90s, while still showcasing the needed boldness and emotion of a

modern design through all touchpoints needed. The pictures are like a preview

inside the gallery, showcasing iconic scenes from the exhibited movies. To really push the idea of being part of Billy’s creative journey, you can find little notes

and scribbles throughout the whole design.