Tim Tam Slam For Change Team Australia

Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset
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Despite being the single largest source of donor funds to assist the world’s low-income countries, IDA faces the continued challenge of encouraging policy makers across donor countries to invest in its mission of driving global unity for positive future change. The IDA brand therefore requires a campaign that effectively engages global mainstream, youth audiences, to rally behind IDA as the best investment in our collective future. Leveraging their collective voice to influence donors to continue and increase their investments in IDA.

Therefore, the campaign objectives include:

1. Drive mass awareness of the IDA brand and its global impact for positive change

2. Harness the power of youth generations as change champions for driving advocacy for IDA’s mission of global unity for a brighter collective future


IDA faces low brand awareness and relevance amongst a mainstream, global youth audience. The brand believes there is power in this group to rally policy makers for increased investment and change.

A youth audience (Gen Z & Millennials) represents the optimal campaign target for IDA. This audience represents 40% of the world’s population and is most concerned with poverty and climate change. They are digital natives, whose advocacy has the propensity to create, shape and shift pop-culture. For example, one of the most popular movies amongst this audience currently is “Challengers” starring Gen Z celebrity - Zendaya. This has driven a surge in popularity for tennis themed outfits and a subsequent #Tenniscore trend on social media.

The desired outcome for IDA is not only bolstered cultural relevance with this audience but also unlocked advocacy within this target group for IDA’s mission of global unity for positive change.

Insight / Breakthrough Thinking

“The Four Cs” framework was leveraged as the strategic process used to understand IDA’s context across:

1. Culture - The chase for continuous improvement is in our collective human DNA

2. Consumer - Gen Z & Millennials desire change for a better future more than any generation, frustrated by environmental and humanitarian challenges plaguing the world

3. Category - Charities can leverage iconic brand partnerships to cut through clutter, build relevance with mass audiences and drive change at scale

4. Company - IDA is the largest contributor for driving positive change globally to investing in a better future for all global citizens

This revealed a powerful human truth - We all want to change the world to make it a better place. But no one has the power to do it alone.

This truth served as the foundation for Tim Tam x IDA #SlamForChange, leveraging Australia’s most iconic biscuit brand.

Creative Idea

Leveraging the global fame of Tim Tam, we will partner with IDA to launch the new product “Slam For Change.” The flavour will feature heat modulation technology™ to change the flavour profile as it is slammed. Making the iconic “Tim Tam Slam” a universal symbol for IDA in driving collective unity towards positive change:


1.Tease: Drive widespread reach by leveraging influencers across entertainment, music, sport, and the creative industry itself to #SlamForChange and share IDAs role in unlocking positive global change

2. Launch: To launch the new Tim Tam Slam x IDA flavour we will create a cultural moment by leveraging the scale of Wimbledon to host an exhibition match featuring rising young tennis talent

3. Sustain: Start a global movement rallying global brands to join the conversation. Think KitKat, Twirl, Mars Bar, Kinder Bueno (Slams) – tallying all global slams made as a visual representation of IDA’s impact