True success statistics: every man's achievements

Young Entry Asset
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The Unstereotype Alliance, convened by UN Women, seeks to transform global advertising by eliminating harmful stereotypes and promoting diversity across gender, race, class, and other dimensions. Despite progress in the portrayal of women in media, depictions of men and masculinity have lagged, reinforcing negative societal norms. Research shows many millennial men feel misrepresented by media portrayals of success, highlighting a disconnect between perception and reality.

Our challenge is to redefine these narratives and present a more diverse and contemporary understanding of success, especially for Gen Z men influenced by digital and social media. Our goal is to demonstrate that current perceptions of success are often stereotypical. In reality, success is multifaceted and can manifest in various forms across different domains of life. We aim to showcase this diversity and encourage broader appreciation.

Creative Idea

We use a visual approach reminiscent of statistics in advertising, with the twist: "Every FIRST man is inherently successful." Our aim is to prompt young individuals to find success within themselves, rather than comparing themselves to stereotypical notions of success. Gen Z men, influenced by digital media, are bombarded with content promoting conventional success, which can harm mental well-being and foster anxiety over not measuring up. Many feel inadequate if they haven't achieved wealth or influence, equating these with masculinity and worth. Our campaign aims to shift paradigms by highlighting that true success doesn't require conforming to imposed standards. You can define your own success, breaking free from the pursuit of wealth and influence.

Strategy and Insight

We used the Unstereotype Alliance logo for its brightness and expressiveness to capture Gen Z's attention. The profiles of men in our campaign reflect our message: "Every FIRST man is inherently successful."

Our strategy spreads the campaign across various platforms. Each man can change their profile picture background to their favorite color and share it on social media, talking about their personal aspects of success. This will encourage young men to share what they consider success and influence other men's perceptions of success. The simplicity of participating will enhance the campaign's virality and accessibility.

We understand societal pressures and media influences that shape perceptions of success among young Gen Z men. We want to support young men and show them that each of them is unique. Our goal is to initiate a cultural shift where young people feel confident in choosing their unique path to success, free from outdated stereotypes. We envision a future where every individual can celebrate their achievements and contributions, independent of societal expectations.


We used only the logo from the Unstereotype Alliance official website and added a couple of hand-drawn illustrations ourselves.