Under MAN-tenance - Puerto Rico

Young Entry Asset
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Write a short summary of what happens in the film

In the film, a young man enters, posing confidently to catch a young female group's attention but is ignored. Another young man tries the same, but his confusion grows when he's also unnoticed. A third young man follows, visibly frustrated by the lack of response. A fourth young man starts posing, and the camera zooms in on their actions, revealing their mimicry of stereotypical successful men from media like magazines and movies. The film shows how these portrayals are everywhere in various forms of media, from advertisements to TV shows, reinforcing a singular image of success. The last kid reappears, realizing that the media's version of success is neither real nor effective, and decides to define success on his own terms.


Many Gen Z men are at a critical point where their idea of success doesn't match what they see in the media. This gap can make them feel like they're not good enough or that they have to act a certain way to succeed. Our approach was to show that trying to change yourself or copy the typical image of success isn't effective or satisfying. We wanted to encourage young men to embrace who they are and define success on their own terms.

Strategy and Insight

We were inspired by John Wooden’s quote, “Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming,” and the insight “more than half of men say media is likely or very likely to negatively impact how successful they feel,”. Our strategy was to boldly demonstrate that success is not defined by societal expectations. Instead, we wanted to show young men that true success comes from being authentic and embracing their unique qualities. We aimed to inspire them to seek role models and empowering narratives of masculinity within themselves.