United Voices - Netherlands

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People feel more should be done to address the climate crisis both individually and by their governments: 89% of people want stronger climate action from governments today. However, they often underestimate the willingness of their fellow citizens to act and tend to think they’re alone in this fight. Therefore, Project Dandelion aims to empower individuals by demonstrating that their actions significantly contribute to climate justice when combined with collective efforts. The project seeks to amplify these individual voices by building a strong, united global community advocating for climate justice, ultimately influencing those in positions of power. Our mission is to build momentum and recruit Dandelions leading up to COP30 in Brazil in November 2025, where our leaders will make critical commitments to reduce carbon emissions and transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy.

Describe the creative idea

Many passionate about climate justice feel uncertain about how to start and doubt the impact of their individual actions, leading to a sense of powerlessness. ‘United Voices’ aims to empower these individuals by transforming their perception of personal impact on climate change.

By joining the United Voices movement, participants learn that their individual contributions matter, simply by raising their voices. The accumulation of these voices amplifies the collective impact, making advocacy and policy influence more effective. The campaign consists of four stages: (1) a social campaign to raise awareness, (2) a website where people worldwide can upload hopeful voice memos, (3) a landing page encouraging participants to share the initiative on social media, and (4) during key moments, DOOH installations with speakers in cities where governments operate, growing louder as more people raise their voices.

Describe the strategy

According to the Columbia Climate School, the complexity of the climate crisis can make individuals feel that their small actions are insignificant, leading to helplessness. Effective climate action requires a sense of being part of a larger collective effort. Our target audience is people worldwide who are eager to act for climate justice but unsure where to start.

Collective action is driven by social norms and peer influence. When people see others taking action, they are more likely to join due to the desire to be part of a group. We use digital platforms to connect people globally, while enabling them to influence their friends and family to join the movement. By participating in the United Voices movement, we show people that starting to make an impact is easy—they can simply raise their voice.

Describe the execution

United Voices is a social initiative where:

Prominent Dandelion advocates use their voices to encourage followers to speak up for climate justice, while making them aware of the initiative.

Followers raise their voices by uploading hopeful voice messages at unitedvoices.com

These new Dandelions are encouraged to share their messages on social media to motivate friends and family to join.

Project Dandelion aggregates these voices on impactful DOOH’s with speakers, which get louder as more voices join, advocating for climate justice. These boards, showing the real-time number of voices, are placed at key locations worldwide during important events: COP29 (November 11th - November 22nd, 2024), International Women’s Day (March 8th, 2025), and Earth Day (April 22nd, 2025).