Unsuccessful Ads


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The primary purpose of an ad is to communicate with a specific target audience. But what happens when the message isn't received? Besides wasting the budget, it indicates the message likely needs improvement.

That's where we come in: we used Generation Z to inspire advertising to evolve. How? By encouraging them to ignore ads that cling to outdated stereotypes until the industry adapts to their values.


With the constant evolution of men's role in society, the perception of a successful man has changed. Success is no longer based on job title, salary, car, or even popularity with women, but rather on happiness. A happy man is a successful man. Fortunately, Gen Z knows this. Unfortunately, advertising still represents male success in an old-fashioned way. And this mismatch of ideals means that Gen Z men don't feel represented by the male images they see in ads.

The result: the further apart these ideas are, the more disconnected youngsters will be with advertising. So, this brief aims to get advertising to update its image of the successful man. Because success is a personal thing, and each person has their own version of it. Only then can the ads be representative.

Strategy and Insight

The briefing was clear: Gen Z's definition of a "successful man" differs significantly from traditional advertising representations, leaving them feeling poorly represented. And we know what happens when Gen Z doesn't like an ad: they ignore it. In fact, it takes just 1,3 seconds for them to lose active attention for ads they don't like.

So, we need to take a step back. Gen Z already understands what a successful man is, so our goal is to inspire the advertising industry to evolve and update this meaning. And who better to lead this change than the generation of causes?

By involving them, they will feel included in this transformation and be motivated to share the campaign. Gen Z, driven by a desire to make the world a better place, will see this as an opportunity to contribute to meaningful change.