Unwrap Our World's Potential

Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset
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As the IDA21 replenishment approaches in December, IDA urgently needs increased donations to address the rising demands of low-income countries. The combined impacts of COVID-19, escalating conflicts, and growing climate risks are worsening extreme poverty, stalling growth, and jeopardizing the prospects for a resilient and inclusive future - hitting the poorest nations especially hard. A quarter of the global population face severe poverty that restricts their potential for growth, and the world cannot move forward if millions are left behind. While IDA is well-recognized among policymakers in donor and recipient countries, its mission and impact are not widely understood by the general public. Ahead of the replenishment, it is essential to recruit and inspire more advocates who understand, support, and champion IDA’s core message: “IDA is the best investment in the future”.


IDA needs to raise public awareness and support to encourage policymakers to increase donations to low-income countries. In a democracy, the way to change policy is to change public opinion. To reach policy makers, we need to win over the voices they care about: voters and youngsters. By unifying and mobilizing the voices of young people and influencers, we can emphasize the importance of increased donations to IDA’s mission.

IDA has empowered the world's poorest countries, turning former borrowers like China, India, and South Korea into major donors. These examples show that with the right reforms, IDA-funded countries can lift themselves out of poverty and unlock their potential, creating positive repercussions beyond their own borders. In the coming decades, we must harness all economic potential to achieve global peace and prosperity. We cannot afford to ignore a quarter of the world's population.

Insight / Breakthrough Thinking

Today's global media is flooded with crises and injustice, causing "news fatigue" and a sense of powerlessness. Additionally, the socioeconomic development of Western countries outpaces many regions globally, a disparity that becomes evident when compared to the neglected basic needs in impoverished countries. To address this, we can use visual storytelling to highlight poverty's divide and bring the issue to the forefront.

To counteract news fatigue and cut through the clutter, we must frame issues with hope, humanize them, and highlight the positive impact of IDA’s work. We need to demonstrate the potential within those receiving IDA’s aid and inspire young people to mobilize and unify their voices for meaningful change. By shifting the narrative from these countries needing our support to recognizing that we need them to thrive, we can invite everyone to see global poverty through a hopeful lens and reveal the immense potential of IDA's beneficiaries.

Creative Idea

This two-part campaign aims to highlight the untapped potential of impoverished countries by symbolizing the limitations of not investing in all our global resources.

PART ONE targets youth through an on-pack campaign with Norway’s beloved chocolate brand, Stratos. Half the packaging is blank, stating, “This is what not investing in all of our resources looks like.” The back explains, “In many countries, poverty prevents people from unwrapping their potential. The world cannot move forward if millions are left behind.” The inside of the wrapping educates and mobilizes people to advocate for IDA, revealing itself as a symbol of solidarity for advocates to display.

PART TWO extends the campaign across Stratos’ platforms, depicting partial investments in media channels. Leveraging influencers and recruited advocates, we aim to create a 'swarm moment' that ensures the message reaches key stakeholders who influence donations to IDA-recipients, unwrapping our world’s potential.