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Today, 89% of people want stronger climate action from the government. However, many are unsure how or where to start. The communication crisis leads to underestimating fellows' climate action, making them feel isolated in their fight.

Describe the creative idea

People recognize the severity of climate issues through experiences with heavy rain, droughts, snow, and fires. They share messages about climate urgency via messaging apps. According to statistics, 57% of 18-24-year-olds learn about these issues through social media. We leverage this 'emotional sharing' to start a signature campaign, making everyone a Dandelion. (*Source: 2023 Korean Press Foundation)

Describe the strategy

Spread the spirit of fighting climate change like dandelion seeds:

- Start with strong solidarity from the closest places

- Visible unity

-URL Share System where sharing and signing happen simultaneously

Through 'Dandelion Share,' copying an article adds your signature to the URL. Loved ones' signatures can inspire genuine climate action. As more people share emotions and signatures, isolation fades, fostering unity.

Execution Plan

Describe the execution

1. Collaborate with media to create a 'Dandelion Share' button with a dandelion icon next to the share button on climate crisis articles.

2. Join Dandelion with a simple signing process; copying the link with the 'Dandelion Share' button adds your signature to the URL.

3. Signed URLs spread on social media, with updates from COP 30 in 2025 sent to the email used for signing.