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People feel more should be done to adress the climate crisis: 89% of people want stronger climate action from governments today.

Taking this number into account and in the lead-up to the COP30 of November 2025 in Brazil, Project Dandelion wants to recruit Dandelions to be ready to mobilise together.

Describe the creative idea

Despite being a such high number of people, citizens concerned about the climate crisis tend to think that they are alone in this fight.

How we can make them aware of the fact that there are millions of people ready to fight alongside them? With a simple Social Media feature.

Verified Dandelion is the first badge in Social Media to verify who is ready to answer the call to fight the climate crisis.

Project Dandelion will take one of the most iconic features of Social Media and turn it into one of comittment to the climate cause. In this way, the Project Dandelion logo will become the beacon that allows concerned citizens of all ages, genders and backgrounds in Social Media, to identify and unite each other.

Describe the strategy

To make the campaign a success, Project Dandelion will partner not only with all the main Social Media platforms willing to join the iniciative, but also with the most influentail persons, institutions and organizations across the globe, that will spread the call to arms.

Project Dandelion will also seek the involvement on the iniciative of other organisation fighting for other causes, because every issue is a climate issue.

Regular users will only have to fill the submission to become a Dandelion in order to get their badges. This will allow Project Dandelion to gather data and know exactly how many Dandelions populate de meadows of Social Media.

Describe the execution

Project Dandelion will contact all the main SoMe platforms to create a new verification badge: the dandelion badge.

In a teasing face, Project Dandelion will ask celebrities, organisations and institutions to replace their own badges with the dandelion badge to generate hype and conversation.

Artists, athletes, journalists, streamers and more will become the first Dandelions to pop all over Social Media, and then their communities will follow.

For the revealing, they will be posting content stating that they have become Dandelions and will invite their communitites to join and get their dandelion badges too.

Finally, for November 2025, we will have all Social Media filled with dandelions ready to answer the Project Dandelion call.