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Write a short summary of what happens in the film

In the film, we witness a young man's dinner. A seemingly mundane situation, like not being able to open a jar full of food, appears to anger him. His self-reproach seems to trigger a series of interconnected emotions, quickly turning his anger into rage. As this monologue continues, the young man's voice is replaced by a woman's voice. Than another man's voice. Another woman's voice... And then yet another man's voice... From the moment his voice changes, we realize that none of these sentences are actually his own words. Each is an internalized version of what his girlfriend, mother, media, father, or boss has told him.


Many men are uncertain about what the world wants from them. There is a deep gap between the truths they feel about themselves and what they think society expects. Research shows that men no longer place as much importance on success, ambition, qualifications, or first impressions as previously thought. However, the real problem is their perception that society thinks very differently about these issues. (Reference provided in the brief: https://www.bbdperfectstorm.com/priceofsuccess). This perception is not wrong. Although society has started to transform, long-standing narratives about masculinity do not easily fade from minds.

Men no longer seek to be strong and rich; they want to be happy, motivated, and inspired by what they see. Because every person can have their own version of success. Therefore, our goal was to create a film that challenges stereotypes and inspires a rethinking of what it means to be a successful man in today's world.

Strategy and Insight

The age range of our target audience is a period marked by profound cognitive and psychosocial changes that shape their lives. During this period, they go through processes of forming an identity, developing relationships, and honing life skills, accompanied by increasing demands for autonomy. The information and impressions they gain from their families, surroundings, and media during this phase significantly influence the kind of person they will become in the future.

These impressions, while necessary, also have the potential to be dangerous. This is because every systematically imposed idea on individuals turns into their internal voice as they continue their lives.

We built our film precisely on this insight. Because what is important is not learning the socially accepted path to becoming a successful man, but feeling free to explore different paths to success and happiness without feeling pressured by society to conform. However, the primary way to be free is to become aware of the things that imprison you. In our film, we wanted to reveal this reality. While doing so, we understood that creating today's stories about being a "successful man" would mean placing them into new molds. Because trying too hard to convince young men of our idea would go beyond merely preaching to them. Instead, we showed them that the inner voices they hear in every situation they encounter are not actually their own. Recognizing the source of these voices is the most crucial step in the journey to creating their own voice.