We see dandelions United Kingdom

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The ask was to 'Use the power of digital to build a dynamic community of global Dandelions' specifically 'by establishing the Dandelion as a symbol of solidarity and climate justice worldwide.'

There was a push on ensuring the idea was simple and didn't ask too much of people and the tone of voice was very positive.

The aim is to have over 10 million more people signed up to the cause before COP30.

Describe the creative idea

With the fast pace of modern of life and schedules always full, we often struggle to make time for ourselves let alone the things we believe in.

That's why a lot of young 'digital noisemakers' people express their concerns about the climate crisis on social media rather than through extreme activism.

The campaign needed to be globally understood and with the tool used, we managed to create a way to spread reach of new Dandelions without using any words. Purely focusing on the visual symbol, using existing images of dandelion and making it more recognisable and easily sharable in association with Project Dandelion, driving recruitment.

Describe the strategy

Our main target audience is 'young digital noisemakers', we have aimed the campaign mainly at ages 18-30, however we believe the idea is simple and easy for anyone to understand and Instagram is used cross generationally so allows for users of all ages to get involved.

Instagram itself has 2.4 billion users, making it a perfect base for our campaign to draw in millions more people before COP30. As well as it's many users, Instagram is also a platform focusing almost entirely on visual engagement which is perfect for Project Dandelion as they want to create such a strong visual connotation and identity with the Dandelion.

Additionally, in a world were attention spans are lower than ever, it was vital we used a digital tool that was quick and easy to understand and didn't ask to much from people.

Describe the execution

By using Instagrams image recognition software, we've scanned all posts to detect dandelions, whether they are real, drawn, on clothes, in the background ect. Once identified, a pop up will appear under the relevant post with a sign up link that you can click on to visit the Project Dandelion website. Once on the website, you can put in your contact information to receive regular updates on events and government movements. After sign up - you are encouraged to 'spread the seeds' of the campaign further by posting your own Dandelion photo or by choosing one from our photo library created by women artists and photographers around the world. This way you are showing the world you are a dandelion proudly and spreading the word, without needing to write anything - making the campaign work worldwide.