What Would Ida Do?


Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset
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In a nutshell, we’ve been asked to launch a global, youth-driven campaign to elevate public awareness and support for the IDA ahead of the IDA replenishment round. The campaign should demonstrate that “IDA is the best investment in the future” and call upon the collective spirit when it comes to changemaking, ultimately to motivate donors to sustain or boost their contributions to the initiative.

The challenge is to come up with an idea that has a significant media impact in terms of reach and relevance to young people, while remaining on a tight budget.


Until now, IDA's efforts for awareness have focused on key policymakers and decision-makers. With so many things on the policymakers’ agendas however, the World Bank needs governments to reprioritize IDA to ensure they can achieve the many improvements in the pipeline.

We have sponsors who believe in the work, like Bill Gates. But how do we get the IDA brand and its impactful work endorsed and talked about by young people? Expecting them to scroll through lengthy documents and annual reports isn’t realistic.

To young people, IDA is “IDK”: a blank slate. Luckily, IDA has a proven track record spanning decades. By mobilizing young voices, we can amplify them enough for policymakers to hear, keeping IDA at the forefront of global development.

Get governments to assign more money to IDA in the replenishment by inspiring young people to see IDA as a champion and problem solver to their concerns.

Insight / Breakthrough Thinking


Our audience don’t know IDA well enough to trust them.

The following truths tell us why this is important:

Audience truth:

Gen Z trust creators and brands more than they trust governments and politicians when it comes to making positive change in the world. They’re literally more likely to follow an egg that they are to follow their government, and believe a lettuce will outlast the prime minister.

IDA truth:

IDA is unknown and faceless. They are distributors of money – meanwhile, the real difference is made by the many people on the ground.

Role for LEGO:

Developmental aid is complex and inaccessible. We need someone to explain it to us like we’re five. LEGO, the world most trusted brand known for Learning through Play, is the perfect vehicle for this important message.

Sources: The Drum, Ipsos, IG egg, TheGuardian

Creative Idea


We personify IDA by showing how the organization is made up of many individuals making the change and give young people an accessible way to follow progress and be close to the impact.


We give IDA a face and use LEGO’s storytelling magic to transform complex aid into a relatable, everyday hero.

Meet the new activist captivating Gen Z on Instagram, X, and TikTok. With playful, engaging posts and her signature sign-off, “What Would IDA Do?”, she rallies socially-conscious youth around impactful aid and acts as a bridge between them and their governments, challenging leaders and highlighting critical issues.

Remaining anonymous with a LEGO minifigure head, she sparks curiosity—Is she a billionaire or a nepo baby?

The reveal: IDA is a collective of young activists whose lives have been shaped by IDA funding. ‘IDA’ continues as a trusted friend to young people, providing a direct line