Who is the successful man?


Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset
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Background Text

In today's era, success no longer has a fixed definition. People's understanding of life success has gradually shifted from material wealth and fame to simple happiness and fulfillment. However, in our advertising media, the image of successful men is still defined by stereotypes. This limits Gen Z young men's vision of the future and makes them feel misrepresented.

We need to reach as many young male-dominated groups as possible to encourage them to rethink the definition of success and update their perception of the image of successful men.

Describe the creative idea/insights

“Image verification alone cannot fully authenticate all images of successful men.”

By utilizing the human-machine interaction verification process (such as Captcha), which can reach young people on mainstream media, we will embed different images of "successful men" in the image verification step. This will serve as our media strategy and dissemination channel, allowing people to unconsciously refresh their stereotypes of successful men and stimulate new thinking while completing the human-machine verification process.

Describe the strategy

Target audience:

1. GenZ Men who are deep user of digital media/platforms. (Core)

2. Other young audience actively on digital, for example women and non-binary people. (Secondary)

3. General public, without age limitation, who are open and flexible to new things.

Media planning & approach:

We use “Captcha” as our creative medium, which is unlimited on platforms, countries, audience, forms and influence, so that we can integrate, leverage and play it big. And this will be supported by media buy and PR source as well as collaboration.

Describe the execution

The campaign will be launched around Cannes Film Festival 2025.

1. Always-on captcha authorization

Using images, text, we can reassess and update people's perceptions of successful men. Use the data from the verification process to iterate on the image of "successful men" in advertising media libraries.

2. UGC poster as KV

Generate campaign posters from this UGC content and distribute them across various online and offline channels, such as OOH, programmatic buy.

3. Collaborations

We will collaborate with different platforms to play it socially, such as coop with Cannes Film Festival to select the most successful male in film; coop with Tiktok and Steam to find successful male in daily life or games, etc. and even coop with Forbes to launch a special “Successful Billboard”.

4. Media

Utilize resources such as celebrities, PR, and KOLs to expand the campaign's influence, supporting by OOH, online media buy.