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While we’re facing a catastrophic climate crisis, world leaders and those in power are falling prey to fossil fuel propaganda.

Project Dandelion aims to unite 10 million people, ready to mobilise for the COP 30.

The project's goal is to give ordinary people a united power to push our leaders to do more and hold them accountable.

Describe the creative idea


People forget the promises made to them by politicians, who often exploit this to their advantage. There is no global platform holding politicians accountable.

Many people also feel alone in their fight for a climate-safe future and underestimate the power of a united community.

Creative idea

If politicians had kept their promises, our world would be much different today. Since they haven't, the Dandelion community will be their reminder and Dandelion will become a symbol of solidarity and climate justice worldwide.

Project Dandelion will highlight all the broken promises related to the climate crisis made by politicians and invite everyone to join the global Dandelion community.

Dandelions will share the words that politicians threw on the wind digitally and invite politicians to deliver their promises before COP 30 in November 2025.

Describe the strategy

According to Rasmussen Reports (2024), only 4% of U.S. voters think most politicians keep their campaign promises.

We will unite people together and remind world leaders about their words that they throw on the wind every time and push them to meet their promises.

Describe the execution


1. We will add a countdown to COP 30 in November 2025 on the projectdandelion.com website to remind people that the Dandelion community is preparing to take action. There also will be a collection of the unfulfilled promises made by world leaders on the website.

2. We will post politicians' promises on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, with a call to action to unite and join the movement on projectdandelion.com. We will promote these posts with targeted advertising.

3. People will be able to join the Dandelion community and share it on Instagram stories with the demand for politicians to deliver their promises.

4. Big political influencers like Piers Morgan and John Oliver will initiate a challenge #BecomeaDandelion involving blowing a dandelion as a symbol of resilience, encouraging people to unite and hold politicians accountable through projectdandelion.com