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Governments do many things to ensure their people's well-being. They provide health, education, and social security. All of this is for the people's future. But unfortunately, they don’t address the most important issue: the climate crisis.

Describe the creative idea

Women nowadays are worried about their lives, especially when it comes to starting families. The number of women choosing to be child-free is growing every day, and one reason is that the government is not taking serious action to address the issue. Therefore, the petition "Worldwide Climate Insurance" in digital form will be sent to the government to urge them to take serious action now.

Describe the strategy

Using a simple approach that everyone is familiar with, Project Dandelion's Instagram account will apply an Instagram Story template. We will gather the number of people who join and post the template and share it in real time on a microsite, so people can track the progress and feel a sense of unity by knowing that people around the world are taking the same action.

Describe the execution

Project Dandelion's Instagram will create and upload the Worldwide Climate Insurance story template. People who see it can easily fill in their own names and countries of origin. As more people upload their stories, we will generate numbers and sort the data by participating countries. This data will be uploaded to a microsite where the audience can track the process in real time for about two months before COP30 is held. If the petition is accepted by the government, we will create physical Worldwide Climate Insurance cards for those who joined.