You are a winner.

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Write a short summary of what happens in the film

A young man sits in his room, depressed.

A group of ghosts who look just like the young man appear one after another and start singing to comfort him about his insecurities:

"You're a winner! Sure, you don't have a Benz."

“You’re winner! You’re not as hot as other men”

They list his insecurities before they come to the point of their song:

"You're a winner! Because you beat all of us and you're the one who gets to be alive."

They are revealed to be the ghosts of the sperm that were never born because they lost the race to the egg before the man was born. They remind him that he has already succeeded in beating one-in-a-hundred million odds, and that success is being proud of who you are, just as you are.


There are still many images of outdated ideas of manhood sprinkled throughout the media, telling men to be stronger, make more money, and pursue the opposite sex more. This is because so many companies use messaging that aims to sell products by encouraging men to compete with each other. These stereotypes can negatively affect young people who have not yet developed their self-esteem, leading to mental illness or, worse, suicide. As a society, we must do more to solve problems like this which affect our young people.

Strategy and Insight

We wanted to create an encouraging video for young men who are forced by the media to pursue stereotypical images of manhood, and are pushed to compete in an outdated way. Men’s society today is very competitive. But it can also be said that just by being born, you have already won the race against hundreds of millions of other sperm. So this video sends the message that even if you don't have a fancy car or great muscles, you are successful enough as you are. We present the value that being proud of who you are, rather than comparing yourself to a stereotype, is what success looks like in today's world.