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Write a short summary of what happens in the film

A young ballet dancer mindlessly swipes through social media, feeling the weight of mainstream masculine ideals around him. While scrolling, he encounters an "add yours" sticker on Instagram, which prompts him to open his front camera. Seeing his reflection, he remembers his childhood dreams and the ballet rehearsal he is about to miss. This moment of self-realization prompts him to put down his phone and return to his passion for ballet. The film explores the overwhelming influence of social media on Gen Z and the pressures to conform to modern ideals of masculinity, wealth, and popularity. It ultimately inspires viewers to stay true to their dreams and reject superficial definitions of success.


Situation: The pervasive influence of social media on Generation Z is creating a culture where superficial values such as masculinity, wealth, and popularity overshadow individual passions and dreams. This film seeks to explore these themes through the lens of a young ballet dancer.

Brief: The film was commissioned to address the growing concern about the negative impact of social media on the self-esteem and aspirations of young people, particularly those who do not conform to mainstream ideals.

Objectives: The primary goal is to highlight the internal struggle of Generation Z as they navigate a world dominated by social media. It aims to evoke empathy and raise awareness about the pressure to conform to societal expectations, ultimately encouraging viewers to stay true to their passions and dreams.

Strategy and Insight

Our film taps into the pervasive dissatisfaction among young men with the traditional portrayals of masculinity perpetuated by social media. We chose a young ballet dancer as our protagonist to humanize this struggle, highlighting the contrast between his genuine passion and the superficial ideals he encounters online. Social media often bombards young men with images of muscles, money, and popularity, creating a narrow and harmful definition of success. Our protagonist's journey—from being lost in the mindless scroll to a moment of self-recognition and return to his ballet dreams—serves as a powerful metaphor for the inner conflict faced by many in Generation Z. By focusing on this personal story, we aim to resonate deeply with young men who are searching for authentic and diverse role models. The film encourages viewers to redefine success on their own terms, promoting a more positive and multifaceted vision of masculinity. This approach not only addresses the brief's call for new narratives but also aims to inspire a broader cultural shift towards valuing individuality and personal fulfillment over outdated stereotypes. Our target audience, Gen Z men aged 18-27, who spend significant time on digital platforms, will find this narrative particularly relatable and inspiring.