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The efforts against climate change are increasingly dispersed, causing the exhaustion of activists, people, groups, etc... added to this, the media propose catastrophic scenarios and impossible solutions.

We will aim to attract people to the project Dandelion so that they feel part of this cause and that they are clear that a "dandelions" can be anywhere in the world delivering their message for a safer planet.

Describe the creative idea

The dandelion is the symbol by essence of our project, so we will take it as the element that will unify all the people who want to be part of this. How? By developing an instagram filter that will be able to recognize people's gestures when blowing the dandelion that will be integrated into the screen. This will help us to massify our message and create a community that feels represented.

Describe the strategy

Using Instagram is perfect as part of the strategy of our idea. It is a platform that achieves reach quickly and when a content represents you, it quickly goes viral and adds new people. In addition to the above, it is an easy to access and intuitive app, which will allow those who use our filter to feel part of something bigger.

Describe the execution

Once the filter has been developed, it will be necessary to massify it. How? In one of the project Dandelion conferences, all the speakers who are part of the project will record themselves using the filter and sharing their message. This will cause a domino effect inviting all the people to share their message using the "add yours" function.