You've Got Balls

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Being tough is traditionally seen as masculinity and the narrative is strengthened by the spoken language.

The common idiom, “You got balls”, is widely used especially among men and is communicating someone’s admirably masculine traits or acts.

Men learn from young age, that to be a man in a successful way, they should grow some balls to become socially accepted.

Creative Idea

Balls are the ultimate symbol of masculinity, but having balls doesn’t actually make you any tougher.

Ironically the “balls” ie testicles are the most sensitive part of the male body, and that is common knowledge. Still, men themselves, are using balls to describe toughness.

To break down myths we need to change the subconscious ways we speak about only masculinity leading to success.

Strategy and Insight

Talking about the most sensitive part of the male body, we are pointing out the sensitivity instead of imaginary toughness.

To redefine the way successful masculinity is seen, the common idiom is given it’s realistic meaning, by picturing the reality behind the idiom as the background image for the saying. The realistic image shows the sensitivity of the male testicals and work as a metaphor for the totally acceptable male vulnerability.