Cannes Lions


DIGITAS, Boston / BUICK / 2011

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MomentofTruth is a site experience that captures and aggregates YouTube videos, Flickr images, Tweets, Facebook posts, quotes and headlines from 3rd party publications about the new BUICK REGAL. Through 3D rendering and animation, the experience offers more than just a static group of conversations but an active environment where visitors can post their own thoughts, or share the site with friends via Facebook, Digg or email. As more content is added to the experience, more visitors post comments and share their thoughts. Rich media banners on high profile sites and uploaded videos on BUICK’s YouTube channel preview featured content and drive to People can also explore and engage with the site experience through a tab on BUICK’s Facebook page.

Outcome exceeded industry standards for content engagement with an average 64% completion rate of videos. The experience also improved brand perception with 75% of site visitors saying their opinion of Buick has changed for the better. Seventy-eight percent said they’ll tell their friends to take a look at Buick. The effects were reflected at the dealership with sales numbers increasing 137% between 2009 and 2010 to make Buick the fastest growing car company in the US.

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