Cannes Lions

24 Hours of Reality: The Road Forward


Case Film
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24 Hours of Reality: The Road Forward wanted to unite people around the globe while educating us all about the realities of climate change. In addition to fact-based content, entertainment was necessary to engage viewers and real stories around the globe were needed to inspire action beyond the broadcast in everyday life. Musical and visual performances that could transcend language and cultural barriers were key. We also needed to find engaging stories of successful solutions at hand and profiles of everyday people doing amazing work to help solve the climate crisis.

Being truly global meant we needed stages around the world broadcasting 'live' with guests translated into multiple languages. We also needed documentaries and personal other words, content shot and produced in country and in language. The global reach and relevance of the global show was of the utmost importance.


The main live stage, a (earth-themed) transparent dome viewing the NYC skyline with ancillary live stages in Mexico, S. Africa, Paris, and Japan and live satellite interviews from 20+ countries.

Each of 24 hours:

-started with a presentation highlighting the country and its challenges given by former U.S. Vice-President Al Gore

-presented a short documentary shot in-country in-language about a solution people are implementing

-profiled an everyday climate 'leader' in the country

-showcased live viewer social media responses by aggregating and having a touch screen live segment with celeb host

-featured musical performances: (ex: Moby)

-celebrity appearances (ex: Ryan Reynolds)

-Interviews with thought leaders (ex: Former President of Mexico Felipe Calderon, France's minister of Ecology Ségolène Royal)

-A stunning original performance: One Night for One Drop imagined by Cirque du Soleil. This "VISUAL" Performance allowed us to transcend language in a way that did not limit the experience.


The show was seen in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Thailand, Australia, Mexico, Brazil, China, Israel, and in all, over 100 countries on television alone, reaching 225M+ households. The Livestream was carried on Scientific American, HuffPo, YouKu(China), TelemundoOTT and was seen in 187 nations topping 30M live views (including placement on AMPLive where the average duration/viewer was 25 min+). The show was also VOD online and tape-delayed in many countries. WION in India for example, ran the 24-hours as an hour-long programming series throughout December. The social media component was live and in real-time, allowing for aggregation and sharing of viewing parties, photos, feedback and questions. 15k "action kits" were downloaded. When Al Gore ended the show by inviting people to a Climate Reality training in Feb 2017 over 1000 people (from 40 countries) paid their own way to the free training vowing to go back and be climate leaders at home.

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