Cannes Lions


SRA. RUSHMORE, Madrid / CORREOS / 2021

Presentation Image
Case Film
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Brand values regarding gender representation:

Correos is a Spanish, state-owned company, and as such, it ensures the equal treatment of all citizens. It is no surprise that it was the first state-owned company in Spain to hire women.


To celebrate International Women’s Day without being overly political while demonstrating the company’s values.


To generate a positive conversation on social media regarding the brand’s positioning on March 8th and continue to build the idea of Correos as a brand that belongs to everyone and is for everyone.


The idea is simple but powerful. March 8th is a day when many brands take advantage of purplewashing. That is, they look like feminists, but just for one day. Correo’s idea is to state its intention to avoid doing anything like this for March 8th because it is a feminist brand all year round.


Data gathering:

We researched how long Correos has had female employees, how many women work for Correos currently, how much they earn and what executive positions they hold.

Target audience:

Correos is a state-owned company, so the target is the entire population of Spain, generally speaking.


Correos wants to distance itself from the brands that are only feminists when playing to the gallery because Correos is a brand that fights for women’s employment rights the whole year.


The execution is a video to be shared on Correo’s social media profiles (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and its own website). A video that has a very catchy and popular reggaeton song so that the message becomes fixed in Spaniards’ heads. The day before there was a debate on social media regarding purplewashing where the prevailing opinion was that it doesn’t serve any purpose. On the 8th we launched our video, which falls in line precisely with that opinion, and that’s why it generated such positive feelings.


With a campaign budget of less than 55.000€, we managed to achieve:

We managed to achieve:

More than 19.5 million impressions

51.000 new users

6.930.584 impacts

A financial value of 276.033€

If influencers had been hired to talk about the campaign, it would have cost 18.250€.

On social media, the feeling generated was very positive, with a rating of 9,6 points out of 10.

Of particular note is the tremendous repercussion obtained organically:

More than 700.000 users impacted and nearly 40.000 interactions.

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