Cannes Lions

A Tale As Old As Time


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February 17 2024, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, will go down as a historic day in the world of Boxing.

Because not since the late 90s has there been a matchup of this magnitude. Where two undefeated Champions battle to become the Undisputed Heavyweight Champion of the World with a historic 4 title belts on the line. It’s a fight the world has been eager to see happen since forever. And now it’s finally happening, not in Las Vegas or the O2 Arena, but at the Kingdom Arena in Riyadh.

Riyadh Season needed an epic promo video befitting the scale of the event to drive Pay Per View subscriptions, boost ticket sales, and put Saudi on the map for hosting world-class boxing events.


A Tale as Old as Time. Because the fight for all four of these belts took so long to set up, a great deal of time had passed. In our minds, it was an exaggeration of this time that we wanted to show. And the different battles that could have taken place. But in the most cinematic way possible.

So, we took our audiences (both young and old) on an action adventure of different standoff battles that featured prominently throughout history, and importantly, that featured in many famous blockbuster movies throughout our time. From old Western classics, to Pirates of the Caribbean, Dragon Ball Z and the like. The uniting magic of cinema was going to be the glue we needed to get the generations excited about boxing again, and put Saudi on the map.


Our strategy was to make boxing synonymous with Riyadh Season. In addition, we also had to position Saudi Arabia as the top global destination for boxing where big fights between champions happen.

To get people interested in this epic fight, we needed to create something as epic as the fight itself. That’s when we realized the power of cinema and the spell it can cast on people. Cinema is a universal language that speaks to all ages. So, we set out to create a cinematic tale with something every generation could relate to. And with that, the hopes of bringing together people for this historic boxing event that the world hasn’t seen in 24 years.


A custom-composed cinematic soundtrack was crafted to evoke a sense of grandeur and scale, enhancing the drama and building anticipation for the unfolding narrative. As the film progresses towards its climax, the music intensifies, gathering momentum to heighten the emotional impact. Combined with intricate sound design and voiceover, this auditory experience creates an unparalleled immersive atmosphere for the audience.

To make it all happen, the music composer and sound designer teamed up with two musicians: one to craft the classical pieces that bookend the film, setting the tone at the start and building to a crescendo at the end, and another to produce the electronic segment that heightens the intensity in the middle. The composer's skillful efforts were pivotal in seamlessly blending these elements into a cohesive and beautiful composition.


In less than 48 hours of the cinematic trailer going live, we had a staggering 46 million reach, with 39 million views across all platforms. 100 million impressions with 720K unique engagements. In addition, all tickets to the event are 100% sold out, with Pay Per View targets crossing a million subscriptions for the fight.

Besides tangible results, A Tale as Old as Time campaign has also earned world-wide praise for a boxing promo, it’s cinematic quality and storytelling with numerous publications expressing their appreciation for the film.

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