Spikes Asia

A Tea Toast To The Wild

EDELMAN, Guangzhou / DANONE / 2018

Presentation Image
Case Film






Danone recently launched a brand new tea beverage in China - the Legend of Tea, which targets at young people aged 20-25. We are tasked to launch a summer program to help Danone increase product awareness and trial rate as well as create brand proposition which can continue to be communicated.

The Legend of Tea is made of herbal ingredients that only grow on the lands of South Africa and South America. With a slogan that shouts out “Unleash Yourself”, wildness is clearly at the heart of the product.

However, the tea beverage market in China has been very saturated with many brands advocating similar message. Our biggest challenge is to stand out from the noises that competitors make and make ourselves heard and create emotional connection which resonates with young people.


Our creative video sets to resonate with young people, by filming typical scenarios at workplace in their own language with drama conflict and contrast effect.

The stories states the difficulties newbies face at workplace, touching young people at the bottom of hearts with common career pain points. While the “Zen-like” employees obey unreasonable requirements without putting up any fight, the “wild” employee bravely stands up and heroically saved everyone.

To dramatize the effect, we even clipped different background music - “Zen-like” and exotic music is used correspondently to show the obvious difference between “Zen-like” employees and the “wild” employee.

We strategically chose influencers who are popular among our target audience with the same humorous tone to post the video, for the sake of better conveying brand messages and enlarging the impact.

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