Cannes Lions

A Year To Share


Case Film
Supporting Content
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We had one of the most polarizing years of the decade. However, Coca-Cola’s spirit has always embodied positivity. As part of our Christmas campaign, we wanted to show that the things we have in common are stronger than those that divide us. So, in partnership with Google, we analyzed all the searches made during the year. And what we discovered was astounding. We realized that from January to November, searches were highly divisive and polarizing, but by December, when Christmas came around, searches revolved around the same themes: how to dress up like Santa, turkey stuffing recipes, how to give a surprise, cool gift wrap ideas, etc.

As Christmas launch content, we wanted to show that «What we share is stronger» was much more than a slogan, and the data we collected throughout the year helped us prove the value of our hypothesis.


Upon discovering that Christmas searches unite us, as opposed to what happens the rest of the year, we launched a tribute content to Google’s summary video «A Year in Search» and we gave it a twist on December that proved that humanity, despite its divisions, disagreements and differences, the only thing it seeks in the end, is to come together.

«A Year To Share» became Coca-Cola’s flagship content for Christmas, a time of enormous importance for a brand that has built its message over the years around hope, unity, and positivity.


Data Gathering: We analyzed the searches that people made during the 365 days of the year, we added all the updates made on Wikipedia and every news item published in the New York Times.

Data interpretation: All the data we collected spoke of the way we search through Google. However, data is always displayed technically and superficially. After seeing the search results, we realized we had to show the data differently. We had to show it in a human way.

Target Audience: All population.


Implementation: We launched «A Year To Share» across all social platforms just before December 24 arrived. The content became much, much more relevant during the Christmas context as it clarified that divisions disappear at the end of the year, as we get closer to Christmas.

Timeline: We displayed the content during the entire month of December.

Placement: We used all social platforms to send a message of positivity and hope to humanity since Google searches are already universal.

Scale: «A Year To Share» became the flagship Christmas content for Coca-Cola and Google around the world. In a single weekend, it achieved over 50 million views.


? 261 M impressions

? 350 M earned media

? 59 M views in one weekend.

? 80% completion rate.

? Third most viewed video in Coca-Cola history.

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