Cannes Lions

Taste the Change


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Coca-Cola is a traditional brand with a young spirit. Not only the brand has seen a lot of history be made, but also even participated in some of them. And one of the causes that matter to Coca is the fight for women's rights.

Coca-Cola is full committed to gender equality inside the company and out. This becomes clear with projects like 5by20, a program created by the brand to enable the economic empowerment of 5 million women by training, mentoring, and financing services for them to achieve success and leadership positions.

So, by 2020 International Women’s Day, Coca-Cola had one thing very clear in mind: the need to show women’s power to the world. Coca-Cola wanted to pray a tribute to women on International Women's Day by spreading pride and bringing acknowledgment to the population about how far the fight for women's rights has brought us all.


To show how much has already been achieved and how much is still to come, we decided to use the iconic Coca-Cola ribbon as a wave of achievements, a graph that shows women's conquers through the years: what was already conquered, and as the graph keeps rising, we leave the idea that much more is still to come.


For the international Women’s day of 2020, Coca-Cola, a brand that has equality as one of its main company values, wanted to send a powerful message to celebrate this important date. Seeking to value the advances of woman equality over the years, we came up with a very simple, but powerful way to send this message.

After careful research of female representation and accomplishment in important sectors, we were able to represent this evolution of numbers using the iconic Coca-Cola ribbon as the advance metric.

A very clever, very branded and very powerful way to send to all of the population of brasil this very important message.

As we launched our campaign online and on the busiest subway stations in Brazil, we aimed to reach every living person, but mostly, people from the ages of 18 to 34 who are part of the Brazilian working class and/or students.


The campaign started with posts on all social media and ended up on billboards in the busiest subway stations in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. It also landed on the newsstand in front of the Coca-Cola building to show the brand's commitment to this cause. It took place for one week during March 2020 International Women’s Day.


Coca-Cola is a huge brand, and its concept has always been pro-happiness and pro-equality. On International Women’s Day Coca wanted to spread this commitment to the whole country and to stand by women spreading 600 billboards in the busiest subway stations in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.

This provocative message to support a female future had also a 15 million impact online and even generated sexist comments questioning the position of the brand which generated online conversations about gender and equality. Coca-Cola is putting its foot down and will keep standing by women so this positioning can continue to light up conversations like this and maybe help build the equal future we all want.

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