Cannes Lions

AAMI Crash Index

OMD, Sydney / AAMI INSURANCE / 2023

Presentation Image
Case Film






Australian Insurer AAMI had strong salience but didn’t convert consideration as strongly as budget brands claiming ‘award winning’ cover for less. The category was being disrupted by cheaper brands with larger marketing budgets. To respond to these brands, we recognised that ‘trust’ was an underlying driver of consideration and wanted to exploit this against them, launching a new creative platform AAMI Does, to demonstrate what others don’t do that AAMI Does.

Not being the cheapest nor the most expensive, we would dramatise our worth, beyond price alone, using brand actions, rather than brand 'rhetoric'.

With Aussies working from home more often, drivers were out of practice, leading to increased accident severity and larger motor insurance claims.

With AAMI’s long history keeping Aussies safe on the roads and our brand leadership slipping, getting Aussies back on the road safely became a mission.


Whilst competitors focused on price and product, we would focus on a campaign that truly benefited Australians.

Rather than just talking about accident prevention; we would do something about it.

From claims data we knew 35–49-year-old males were most at risk, but more importantly our AAMI data could help us read Crash Index signals and activate them in media.

We could target those most at risk of accidents in the exact location/moment a crash is likely to happen.

A completely dynamic campaign would deploy warnings based on location, time of day and day of week, coupled with targeting that safely customised messages for in-car app usage.

Effective tactics would cement AAMI as the leader in road safety by:

1. Educating Aussies what to look out for

2. Geo-targeting media around crash 'hotspots'

3. Dynamically aligning to redzones by daypart and day

4. Safely targeting in-car through travel companion apps


Media execution was simple but effective.

Over 5 weeks from early November, outdoor panels offered roadside warnings to those entering prominent crash zones.

We found the 9 most dangerous locations and alerted drivers on entry.

Digital outdoor complemented static panels, dynamically serving warnings during dangerous days of weeks and times of day, which differed by state.

Between dangerous dayparts we interspersed education on the most common crash cause. Safe following distance being a life saver.

Radio and Spotify reached drivers in their vehicles, with Spotify using in-car targeting.

Audio safety announcements followed precise times of day when drivers needed to pay more attention.

Seen as a true travel companion, mapping app Waze reached those plotting a trip. Using zero speed take-overs to remind drivers to keep a safe distance on the road or consider crash hotspots en-route.

Turning the records of 350,000 crash victims into 250 customised crash warnings.


The AAMI Crash Index campaign significantly reduced accidents in key hotspots.

Motor claims fell by a staggering 76% during the campaign and continued to fall 75% in the period after.

It was evident that men identified as the main culprits.

• Male driver claims dropped by 10% pts.

• Pre-campaign male drivers made up 49% of motor claims. This dropped to 39% post.

It’s clear that these results were driven by the campaign with recall 27% above norm at 23%.

39% Of those exposed believed AAMI was a trusted brand, with the campaign delivering very strong growth in positive brand perceptions.

• 35% Felt more positive about the brand +45% above norm

• 27% Said it would make them consider AAMI in future +65% above norm

We used the AAMI Crash Index to save lives and benefitted from the positive brand equity it created with Aussies.

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