
Ad without a break


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Case Film
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Show our promotions on our quality tv’s, laptops and smartphones in an original and eye-catching way. Find a creative way to advertise our products (tv’s, smartphones and laptops) during the online episodes of programs on


"We improved an existing media plan targeted at an online audience of 19+ Dutch speaking adults. We found a creative way to showcase our products and promotions without interrupting the viewers. Instead of showing our ads during the program, we continued showing the program during the ad in a screen-in-screen kind of way. When the ad break was about to start, the screen zoomed out until you saw a television, tablet, laptop or mobile phone accompanied by its specs and price. All while the program kept on playing on the screen of the advertised device. The use of the distinctive MediaMarkt red color as the background and the MediaMarkt logo in the corner ensured that viewers, even without a voice over explaining the promotion, immediately knew it was MediaMarkt that was the sender of the ad. The ‘the Ad without a Break’ was born.



Making this project happen did not only mean developing a new ad concept for MediaMarkt, but also developing a whole new online video advertising format. SBS, one of the biggest broadcasting groups in Belgium liked the idea and worked together with us in creating and implementing this new ‘native’ advertising format for mid-roll promo ads on online video platforms and OTT services. The ad without a break is a truly integrated advertising concept in many ways. A lot of effort was put into this project both on agency, advertiser and media side in developing the new advertising format, in adapting the OTT programmatic set-up and in negotiating with content provider that were prepared to let their content feature in our special ad breaks. The initial campaign ran from October-December 2019. Yet, MediaMarkt will use it as a permanent format to advertise promotions online.


This new way to show products and promotions, launched in partnership with SBS, one of the biggest broadcasting groups in Belgium, was loved by the public. 79% of the viewers appreciated the ad, with a 67% increase in likeability. 97% even remembered the ad after seeing it.

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